How to Mix Desert Green in Watercolor
What do I mean by desert green? Feast your eyes on the cacti and agaves below to see: Did you spot the baby saguaro? 🙂 This opaque dusty green really used to trip me up Read more…
If I have more room on my palette I like to add these:
I love having these on my palette for fast mixing in the field, plus they can really make make an impact:
If I still have room on my palette after all of that I like to add:
When I first started watercoloring I searched the web to see what my favorite artists were using — I thought I’d list them here for you:
Hope that helps and just let me know if you have any questions! And stay tuned, because I absolutely love fiddling with my palettes so I may switch things up — I’ll update this post if I do!
Mary · December 13, 2022 at 9:53 pm
Thanks for this, Lisa – a super helpful post! I’m saving it on my phone. I wonder if the Blundell book works on Android since I’m avoiding Apple for as long as possible, and don’t know if I’ll buy another Kindle Fire. I don’t have a good place to paint – the floor would be good except for my bad back which has to have support. I have a really sturdy lap desk/breakfast bed table on its way which I hope will let me work on my bed. I get cold easily, and well, ’tis the season… I hope the warmth of bed will help.
Lisa Spangler · December 14, 2022 at 9:07 am
Hi Mary! I’m don’t know about Android, I’m an Apple girl myself! When I got it a long time ago it was a PDF. Curling up in bed and painting color mixes sounds so relaxing!
Bob Cochran · December 14, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Hi Mary, I have hurt my back several times over the years, so I can easily imagine how you might be feeling. My heart goes out to you. I hope you will feel a lot better soon. I wonder if you could hire a local handy person — a carpenter for example — to build you a something that is mobile and suits your needs as a base for painting? Or you could buy something on Amazon or Ebay, perhaps, and have it adapted to your liking. I wish there were something I can do to help you.
Meanwhile — yes, stay warm!
Susan Forsberg · February 24, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Thanx for sharing your palette color choices and all the related information. I’m going to play with it next
Ordered a few colors too, from your descriptions I’m going to love having them on the new Lisa palette
I’m making up. I enjoy trying out different palettes and keeping it fresh. Than again hugzzzzz 🥰
My birthday present celebrating 76 times around the sun !
Lisa Spangler · February 25, 2023 at 12:25 pm
Hi Susan! Happy birthday!! Hope you enjoy your day and exploring new colors!
Cynthia Ahrens · December 13, 2022 at 11:08 pm
Thanks for your color mixing suggestions! Wondering which brand of Cobalt Blue you favor?
Lisa Spangler · December 14, 2022 at 9:06 am
Hi Cynthia! I use both DS and WN — I think WN rewets a little better but they’re pretty close!
Bob Cochran · December 14, 2022 at 5:04 pm
Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for this post. I, too, will be referring to this constantly. I probably should be buying a couple more palettes to allow me to play with different color choices. Especially since I’m starting a foundational drawing and watercolor class next month and it is always good to try out different options.
I want to investigate the links you provide here. The only other artists I’m able to recognize readily is Liz Steel. So it would be good for me to see what other artists suggest.
I like the way you add notes to your color swatch images — they help us students a lot.
Mary · December 14, 2022 at 8:26 pm
Thanks, Bob, not much can be done for my back – I broke it, and vertebrae went into my spinal cord. I can’t walk far – and in the grocery store I’m the person walking around hunched over a cart, which holds only a pack of gum, lol! But, I can walk. I had insurance (this was during Obamacare fights). I was retired so didn’t have to worry about that. And my mom, who i cared for, was doing fairly well for the moment while I was in the hospital. My back hurts. But so do my knees and hips and shoulder. Still, it could be a lot worse.
Bob Cochran · December 15, 2022 at 4:58 pm
All the best to you, Mary! Watercolor painting can be a tremendous comfort and absorbing interest.