I had so many requests for info on the little palette I’m using for the Nature Spot Challenge — so here you go!

Colors are:
DS = Daniel Smith, WN = Winsor and Newton
- DS Hansa yellow medium — a great middle yellow; I like to have this or azo yellow on my palette.
- DS Raw sienna — this shade can be tricky to mix out in the field so I like to have it on my palette for convenience. I use it in sunrise/sunset skies, for winter grasses and sand, or mixed with rose or organic vermillion for soft peachy tones.
- DS Quinacridone rose — this is my primary red/magenta.
- DS Organic vermillion — an opaque warm red — think cadmium red without the cadmium!
- WN Cobalt turquoise light (DS cobalt teal blue) — one of my favorite blues! I think of it as a granulating cyan. Mix with ultramarine blue for skies, raw sienna for desert greens, quin rose for purples. I prefer the WN version because it rewets better for me.
- DS Phthalo blue, green shade — my primary blue/cyan.
- WN ultramarine blue — a granulating warm blue
- DS Transparent red oxide — a granulating reddish brown; mix with ultramarine blue for lovely grays and darker browns or phthalo blue for pine green.
Just let me know if you have any questions, and happy nature spotting!
PS. You can join the challenge anytime — find out more here. It’s been so fun seeing everyone’s nature spots from all around the world!
1 Comment
Bob Cochran · January 4, 2023 at 9:10 pm
Hi Lisa, thank you so much for posting this. I really like your palette. The color choices are excellent. I’m going to have to buy the palette from Art Toolkit because I realize it is a quite useful small size.
I have not had a chance to create my first Nature Spot yet, but I will do that in the next couple of days. It is rather wet here in the Washington, D. C. area. That does offer opportunities; I shall get out there. In fact I think I have a time slot tomorrow for this. Thanks again for the great post. ….Bob