In this series I sketched at my neighborhood pond daily in June 2018. The pond is a mile from our house in Austin, TX and it’s really just a water retention pond. At first glance it doesn’t seem all that exciting, but I’ve done over 50 sketches there and feel like I’ve barely made a ripple.

My goals for this project were to get to know this place close to home and to practice sketching outside — in wind and rain and weather. Temperatures soared up to the 100s and my brushstrokes dried as fast as I could paint! My other goal was to stay motivated to do my rehab after six knee surgeries for a torn ACL.

I recorded little notes on the back of the postcards and mailed them to myself. It was such a feeling of accomplishment to open the mailbox and find one there!

Here are a few of my favorite postcards (click on an image to see it larger):

Here’s a quick video of my sketch setup so that you can see my process and hear the redwing blackbirds singing: